애니 프루의 '브로크백 마운틴' 예약주문
almost famous DVD 증정


Wyoming as a state of the soul, February 2, 2004

Reviewer: Stephen P. Manning (San Francisco, CA United States) - See all my reviews
I am a grown-up, middle aged man not drawn much to sentimentality. I am not a practiced reader of fiction and I have spent only one night in Wyoming. I just finished reading the final story in the collection, "Brokeback Mountain",about ten minutes ago.

I still have tears in my eyes. It seems to me that I am falling out of a dream into the wet and chill February morning by San Francisco Bay where I now live. But the dream was of a place utterly familiar. I mean, emotionally familiar, familiar in memory, and evidently, familiar to my body. I can still feel the tingling just behind my cheekbones and the low-voltage electric discomfort in my chest. I guess Annie Proulx touched something in the geography of my own soul with her story. And even in the sadness that swirls around my eyes, I am grateful to her for that. And amazed that this woman could write so tellingly of men's hearts.

I said that I am a middle-aged man. So I have a history behind me. That's part of what makes you middle-aged. When you're young, who you want to be someday is the largest part of who you are. When you're middle-aged, the evidence begins to mount. The past is what it was and that is the largest part of who you are. It's harder to make believe anymore. And the story includes loss, confusion, missed opportunities, cowardice, fear, and memories of your own Brokeback Mountain. And sometimes the only redemption for the past, if it is redemption, is to remember it, fully. That's all.

Now that I am back in the waking world a bit more, I also want to say how beautifully Annie Proulx weaves the English language, with the kind of strength, color and contrapuntal roughness that makes it so earthy and satisfying. There were a few passages that I read out loud, just for the rhythm, the accents, the tumbled spring-thaw rush of sound. In a story about people not noted either for reflective insight or poetic diction, she has, paradoxically, by her own re-membering of them, let them be themselves, without apology, and yet re-situated them in a place of human grandeur.

I guess Aristotle had a point when he wrote about poetry as a moment of katharsis, of the compelling power of pity and fear. I bet he never thought he could find it on Brokeback Mountain.


** 독자리뷰가 더 짠하다. 어흐흑.

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비로그인 2006-03-03 21:58   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
좋은 책이 좋은 리뷰를 이끌어내는 건가요? 저도 도서관에 예약해놓고 즐겁게 기다리는 중입니다.

moonnight 2006-03-03 22:51   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
오오. 정말 리뷰도 감동감동이네요. 원서로 읽고 말겠어. 하는 결심이 불끈. (과, 과연-_-;;;;)

하이드 2006-03-04 10:42   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
와이오밍 시리즈 1, 하고 2 장바구니에 담아 놓았습니다. ^^
저 리뷰 너무 감동적이죠? 추천이 286이던가 그렇더군요

mong 2006-03-04 18:55   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
저도 읽으려구 땡쓰투 했어요
영화장면이 눈앞에 아른거려요 @..@

하이드 2006-03-04 18:56   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
단편모음집이라니 더 기대됩니다!
영화도 봐야겠어요. 아, 책부터 읽고 보고 싶은데 그때까지 걸려있으려나 모르겠어요.

mong 2006-03-04 18:58   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
하이드님, 제 생각에도 책 읽고 보시는게 좋을듯 해요
엊그제 개봉했으니 제법 하지 않을까요? 아카데미 시상식도 있고~ ^^

히피드림~ 2006-03-12 19:29   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
저 이 페이퍼보고 이 책 샀어요.(생스 투도 함께ㅋㅋ) 어제 DVD와 함께 받았답니다. 지금부터 한번 읽어보려구요.^^