Baby, I used to be the kind anyone could burn.

But now I’ve left those days behind,

and it’s time for the wheel to turn.

Baby, I used to be so easy to take for a ride.

But now I’ve learned to play the game,

and my eyes are always open wide.


I was the one who would listen to you,

when you handed me all of your lies.

But those days have gone, and it’s time you caught on,

‘cause this time nothin’s gonna get by.


Don’t take me for a loser.

Don’t take me for a loser, ‘cause I’m gonna win.

Don’t take me for a fool, baby.

‘Cause it would take a fool to lose you again.


Baby, I used to be the one who could run around.

But now my heart is in my head,

and nothing you have said can pull me down.

One day, I told you everything would come back on you.

And now you’ve had all your chances,

and your one night romances are through.


I was the one who would listen to you,

when you handed me all of your lies.

But those days have gone, and it’s time you caught on,

‘cause this time nothin’s gonna get by.


Don’t take me for a loser.

Don’t take me for a loser, ‘cause I’m gonna win.

Don’t take me for a fool, baby.

‘Cause it would take a fool to lose you again.


I was the one who would listen to you,

when you handed me all of your lies.

But those days have gone, and it’s time you caught on,

‘cause this time nothin’s gonna get by.


Don’t take me for a loser.

Don’t take me for a loser, ‘cause I’m gonna win.

Don’t take me for a fool, baby.

‘Cause it would take a fool to lose you again.


Don’t take me for a loser.

Don’t take me for a loser, ‘cause I’m gonna win.

Don’t take me for a fool, baby.

‘Cause it would take a fool to lose you again.


Don’t take me for a loser.

Don’t take me for a loser, ‘cause I’m gonna win.

Don’t take me for a fool baby.

‘Cause it would take a fool to lose you again.


Don’t take me for a loser.

Don’t take me for a loser, ‘cause I’m gonna win.

Don’t take me for a fool baby.

‘Cause it would take a fool to lose you again.

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It’s not the same when I look in her eyes.

The magic’s not there.

And when I look, I realize

what we could have shared.


I’m always gonna love you,

if loving means forever.

I’m always gonna want you.

I don’t think I could ever

just forget the love we had.


It’s not the same when she’s here in my arms,

or the smile on her face.

And even though with all of her charms,

she can’t take your place.


I’m always gonna love you,

if loving means forever.

I’m always gonna want you.

I don’t think I could ever

just forget the love we had.


It’s not the same when I look in her eyes.

The magic’s not there.

And when I look, I realize

what we could have shared.


I’m always gonna love you,

if loving means forever.

I’m always gonna want you,

if loving means forever.


I’m always gonna love you,

if loving means forever.

I’m always gonna want you,

if loving means forever.


I’m always gonna love you.

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WAITING IN THE WINGS (Gary Moore/Jack Bruce)


She was standing in the dark

Waiting in the wings

Just around the next dream

She was holding all the keys

To set my heart free

Behind the shadows of love.


From the distance I could see

Her standing alone

Shine like a jewel in the night

Hidden from the eyes

A theif of the soul

Behind the shadows of love.


Set me on fire with the stoires you tell

Drown in the ocean of dreams

Close to the flame on wings of desire

Nothing’s what it seems


She was waiting oustside with arms open wide

Ready to break my heart’s fall

Oh the lighting in her eyes

I learned how to fly

Behind the shadow of love.


Set me on fire with the stoires you tell

Drown in the ocean of dreams

Close to the flame on wings of desire

Nothing’s what it seems

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AFTER THE WAR (Gary Moore)


So many came before you,

the prisoners of fate.

A history of bloodshed,

a legacy of hate.

But where will you be standing

when the battles have been won?

Inside your lonely fortress

the battle’s just begun.


After the war

who will you be fighting for?

After the war is over.

After the fire

is burning to it’s dying embers.

After the war.


A letter from the draft board,

put pain to all your dreams.

You’re just another number

in military schemes.

They marched you in a uniform

you wore against your will.

With lies of hope and glory,

they taught you how to kill.


After the war

who will you be fighting for?

After the war is over.

After the fire

is burning to it’s dying embers.

After the war.


After the war,

you thought you’d be a hero.

After all that you survived.

If hell was meant for heroes,

you’d surely have arrived.


After the war. After the war.


After the war

who will you be fighting for?

After the war

who will you be fighting for?

After the fire

is burning to it’s dying embers.

After the war.

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* 진 해크먼이 덴젤 워싱턴에게 2가지 충고를 해줄 때(잠수전에 멋진 저녁노을을 보면서)

"I can't stand save-asses, and I won't abide kiss-asses."

영어에서는 ass를 많이 사용한다. 상대방을 비하해서 비유할 때 ass hole이라고 한다. 문자그대로 해석하면 '똥구멍'이 된다. 여기서의 save-asses는 자기 엉덩이를 보존하려는 사람들 다시 말하면 자기 자리를 지키기 위해 복지부동하거나 위험한 상황을 피하려는 자들을 뜻하고 kiss-asses는 자신의 능력으로써가 아니라 상관에게 아부하거나 잘 보임으로써 자기 자리를 지키려는 사람들이다. 진 해크먼은 이런 두 종류의 사람들을 묵과하거나 자기 잠수함에 둘 수 없으니까 덴젤에게 성공하려면 이런 사람이 되지 말라고 조언해 주는 것이다. 진 해크먼이 어떤 지도자인지를 단적으로 보여주는 표현일뿐만아니라 영어 그 자체로써도 (조금 상스럽게 들릴지 모르지만) 직설적인 표현이다.


* 덴젤 워싱턴이 함내에서 조깅하다가 다투는 두 병사를 보고 말리면서 한 병사에게 주는 충고

 "You have to set an example even in the face of stupidity."

어떤 상황 속에서도, 심지어는 바보같거나 유치한 상황속에서 조차도 본을 보여야 한다는 뜻이다. (set an example) 이 표현 속에서도 덴젤이 어떤 인격을 가진 지도자라는 것이 극명하게 드러나 있다.

결국 진 해크먼과 덴젤 워싱턴은 서로 다른 리더십 스타일과 성격차 때문에 충돌을 일으키고 핵 잠수함은 갈등 속으로 빠져든다. 누가 주도권을 잡느냐하는 관점도 좋지만 서로 다른 스타일의 두 지도자라는 관점에서 보면 또 다른 재미가 있다. 나는 (또는 당신은) 누구를 더 선호하는가?

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사람끼리 2006-02-13 10:32   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
남과 더불어 살고 상대방을 좀더 나은 방향으로 유도하면서도, 조직의 암적인 요소들을 치유해 가려면 두 지도자 모두 필요한 사람 같은데요.. 다만 조직원 모두가 리더십을 발휘하게 하려면, 자기 리더십만 고집해서는 안돼겠죠. 사랑의 매는 필요하겠지만

흐르는 물 2006-02-13 11:47   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
미국에서 의외로 흥행에 성공한 영화인데, 리더십이란 관점에서 보면 또 다른 재미와 교훈이 있죠. 안봤으면 꼭 보세요.