Weather : very cold

Date : 10 day - 11 month - 2013 year

Today, I saw a movie 'Tor's Dark world'. This movie is very exited. A long time ago, Dark elf kind try to hang over this world with dark. But other kind attack Dark elf and they failed. However, Tor's girlfriend Jain absorb Dark elf's important weapon eter, so Dark elf chase jain. They tried to remove space. But Tor and Roki planed to prevent their plan. Tor and Roki fight with Dark elf and they win this fight. But Dark elf escape quickly. But Roki died because he fight with big monster, and monster destroy oneself. After, Tor decided this victory or defeat as killed Dark elf's leader. This movie is very exited because this have a kick. I recommended by every people. Try this movie!!! You'll never sorry!!!


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