The Twits (Paperback) Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 11
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

I could see this paragraph as soon as I opened this book.

I think that this is what the author wants to tell you, every children.


"If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face.


A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly.


but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like

sunbeams and you will always look lovely."


I rarely see hairy-faced people (even beared or moustachy-faced people).

I have not ever thought about them.

Through this book, I realized that how they can be disgusting.

Just reading about  Mr. Twit, I can guess how he is smelly, nasty and disgusting.

I am glad to understand this book.


I love this book. It is easy to understand so I bought 5 books more as gifts.

I gave my students two of them but they didn't like them.

One of my students said to me,

"I don't read even Korean books, why should I read an English book?

I don't like this English book even though my gift!"


They are still kids even though they became 3rd grade in middle school.

I would like to read this kind of level English books more and more~~





*온라인 영어 선생님께 수정을 부탁했더니 거의 전체가 해당된다.ㅋㅋ

다음은 그 분에 의해 수정된 글이다. 읽어보면 맞아! 내가 하고 싶었던 말이 이거야! 싶은데

그렇게 만들기는 왜그리 어려운지......


I noticed this paragraph as I opened this book.

I think this what the author wanted to tell to every readers.

If a person has ugly thoughts, it manifests on his face.

Just by reading about Mr. Twit I can see how unhygienic he is.


Always foul smelling and has a nasty disposition.

I had been educated about nasty and smelly peope through this English book.

I fell in love with it so, I bought 5 of this for gifts to my friends and colleagues.

Unfortunately two of my students say they didn't share my enthusiasm about this book.

One of my students told, "I don't even read Korean books, why should I be interested

in reading this English book."

Though its a gift, he utterly said he hates it.


I should have given it to  someone who is more interested in learning the lessons of

this book. Well, there are no regrets I hope he would read it someday.

There are still third grade students in middle school who love to read this kind of books.


I hope they would keep on reading so, their English would be improved and be useful for

their education.




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