Titanic (National Geographic Kids Readers, Level 3) (Paperback)
Melissa Stewart / Natl Geographic Soc Childrens books / 2012년 3월
평점 :

The Titanic was called the "wonder ship." It was the biggest and most luxurious at that time. Yet, for that, they reduced the number of lifeboats for the comfort of first class passengers, leaving over 1,000 people stuck when it sank. 

They also made bulkheads lower to fit fancy things, which made it sink faster. 

On April 14, 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean. It was going fast, ignoring ice warnings. The iceberg crash is famous, but there were other problems, too. For example, the lookout had to find icebergs with just his eyes because they couldn't find binoculars. All these small mistakes added up to a big disaster. 

Even little mistakes and human errors can lead to disaster. It's important to always be careful and make saftey a priority. 

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