Weather : cold

Date : 18 day - 10 month - 2013 year

Today, I wake up at 6 : 35. And I give worship and studied english with my father. But I try to end it very fast, so I catch hell from one's father. Father counsel to me that you should yes, thank you, I'm sorry, I can do it, be concentrate. So I attain spiritual enlightenment what this 5 teaching. Next, I went to my school. At english time, I knew shocking news. My english test score is 80. Before, I predict 90, but score is very miserable. So I'm concerned because I catch hell from one's father. After school life, I begin to talk to my father and I catch hell from one's father very much. And I banned to game anymore. Next, I will study ardently. At tomorrow, I hope to live happily.


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