The Little Prince (Paperback, 미국판) - 어린 왕자 영문판 원서
생 텍쥐페리 지음, 리차드 하워드 옮김 / Harcourt / 2000년 6월
평점 :
The Little Prince.
Antoine de Saint Exupery.
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
The little prince was a boy who was traveling many stars. He met various people while he traveled. ;a king, a conceited man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. All of them were adult and they lived lonely, and unhappy. However, they also didn't know that they are unhappy. They always calculated and lived hardly for the sake of display.
It didn't look essential for the little prince. Many people who read this book, though like the little prince, the adults in this book were strange. But it's our picture. We always want to show, so we always concern the result. Most people don't care about our practice and our mind. People judge of a person's appearances and their financial ability. Every people are calculating something such as money, time and stars(like the businessman in this book.) moreover 'Love'.
The fox who was a truth friend for little prince said that
" It's my secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. " "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, thy are felt with the heart."
The men of today think what felt with heart isn't essential. Love, friendship, and trust? They aren't important anymore. People think they can make these with money(what we can be seen or touch.). Yes. It's possible in nowdays.
But I think, like the fox and the little prince, what is the beautiful thing, we can felt with my heart.
What we can be seen will be able to be changed accordance with money and environment. But truth won't be changed. (I believe there was the truth.)
So, the Prince is right. And we have to change. We don't need to spend our time for what isn't essential.