The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (Paperback, Open Market ed)
메리 앤 셰퍼.애니 배로우즈 지음 / Bloomsbury Publishing PLC / 2009년 5월

Have you noticed that there are some people - Americans especially - who seem untouched by the war, or at least unmangled by it? I don't mean to imply that Mark was a shirker - he was in their Air Corps- but he's simply not sunk under. and when I'm with him, I feel untouched by the war, too. It's an illusion, I know it is, and truthfully I'd be ashamed of myself if the war hadn't touched me. but it's forgivable to enjoy myself a little- isn't it?-54쪽

it seems to me the less he said, the more beauty he made, Do you know what sentence of his I admire the most? It is, "The bright day is done, and we are for the dark." I wush I'd known those words on the day I watched those German troops land, planeload after planload of them- and come off ships down in the harbour! All I could think of was, Damn them, damn them, over and over again. If I could have thought the words, "the bright day is done and we are for the dark" I'd have been consiled somehow and ready to go out and contend with circumstance- instead of my heart sinking to my shoes.-56쪽

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