In retrospect, Jane, that string may have been somewhat premature. But in my defense, I knew enough about her to know I wanted to know everything else; I knes as much about her as she wanted me to know; I knew as mush about her as anyone ever knows about anyone. And isn't love just curiousity at the biginning anyway? What makes a person keep reading a book? First sentence? Not bad. Chapter one? All right. By the time you're almost at three. wht not keep reading? -25쪽
"Thank you for not hating me." I said "Thank you for not hating me." she repeated. "That's just a fancy way of saying 'I love you' isn't it? How romantic."-117쪽
Meg is in love with a man who is defenitely no better than her husband. And yet he is newer than her husband. And in love, the newer is the better. -149쪽
I wish I could tell you to always follow your heart, but I think it is bad advice. you have a heart, yes. It is true.. but also a brain and also a soul. I've come to believe that we love with our brains as much as our hearts. real love is not just instinct, but intent. It is more than biology, more than a glint on the eye and a quickening of the pulse. There id s vrtysin nobility to monogamy, Jane. A certain nobility even in the attempt. To go to sleep and wake up next to the same person for the rest of your life, to stay even when you long to go these are the real rituals of love. If I am making love seem very gloomy indeed, that is not my intent. Love in all its form(romantic, platonic, self, conjugal, familial, etc) is lovely, lovely, lovly.-240쪽
So here is my wish for you. Some day, you do not know when, you will be driving down the road and some day, you do not know when, you will mak a wrong turn. At the end of the road, when you're least expecting it, he(or possibly she) will be there. And oh Jane, my lucky girl, this man will be a city to you. In him, you will find stores and resturants and the opera and a baseball team. And there might be a proson and there might be a hospital, too. Everything you need for survival will be in this man, oh Janest of Janes. And when you find this place, oh this wondrous place, you shall never want to live anywhere else. Park your car, Jane, and stay. For this city will be home to you. Only not like a home you've ever known. It will be the homiest of homes. -241쪽
And in this city, there will be love. And in this city, there will be richer and poorer and better and worse and sickness and health and everything under the sun. This is the greatest city on earth,Jane. And to you, if you're very lucky, it will be the only city on earth. The place where you're born for the first time and the place where you die and the place for everthing in between. -241쪽