Angry Aztecs (Paperback, New ed) Horrible Histories 16
테리 디어리 지음, Martin Brown 그림 / Scholastic / 2008년 6월
평점 :

멕시코 중부 지역에 존재했던 문명, 아즈텍. 이 아즈텍인들은, 꽤 잔인한 문명을 가졌다고 볼 수 있다. 그들은 적과의 전투에서 사로잡은 적군을, 잔인한 방법으로 처형하기로 유명했다. 배를 갈라서 심장을 꺼내고, 목을 자르는 등 일종의 의식을 치르던 이들이었다. 이렇게 3대 문명이라 불리웠던 아즈텍 문명도, 고대에서 끝이 난 이유는 바로 서구에서 온 정복자들 때문이었다. 

Fernando Cortes, the explorer from Spain was the conqueror of Aztec. He only took 500 people to conquest this world, and he used gun and the political status to kill them. Tenochtitlan was the capital of Aztec, and the aztecs believed this white people was the god they believed. They welcomed them, and the requital was to killing them with guns. 

Well, Aztec was quite cool, but they couldn't avoid the time. That was the end of Aztec, but we still remember them. We should try hard to interchange with other countries. The fail of Aztec was caused by not interchanging with other countries.

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The Magic Finger (Paperback, Reprint)
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 1998년 9월
평점 :

마법 손가락을 가진 소녀가, 자신을 화나게 하는 것이 있으면 그 사람에게 마법을 써서 자신이 무슨 짓을 했는지를 회개하도록 하는 이야기. 마법소녀인 주인공의 활약을 통하여, 평소에 사냥을 좋아하던 가족이 완벽하게 자신의 잘못을 깨우친다. 과연 소녀는 그들에게 어떤 벌을 내렸을까? 

Well, the funishment was to change their body with ducks. The Greggs liked to shoot animals with their gun, and the hunter was Mr.Gregg and the two sons, Philip and William. The girl who could use magic finger was angry at them when they hunted a cute deer, so she shoot her electronic magic on them and Mrs.Gregg. When the Greggs slept, the next they found that they had duck's body. 

The ducks became human and got the house of Greggs. The family had to build a nest and lived there. And when the ducks tried to kill them with their guns, the family finally realized what they did to the animals. He said killing ducks and people was different, but it wasn't different. So, they made the grave of ducks that they hunted, and they bacame good people who take care of invironment. If you don't want to be a duck by magic finger, you should not try to bother the clean invironment.

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Where Is Mr. Zane? (Paperback) Walker High Mysteries 9
Robins, Eleanor 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2006년 8월
평점 :

워커 하이 스쿨의 미스터리 시리즈. 고등학교들에게 일어나는 다양한 미스터리들을, 쉬운 단어들을 통하여 쉽게 접할 수 있도록 하였다. 어느 날 과학 시험을 보기로 한 제인 선생님이 학교에 오지 않았고, 전화조차 받지 않았다. 그는 어디로 증발한 것일까? 이것이 바로 내가 처음 접한 미스터리이다. 

Well, the mystery was quite simple. I cannot tell you the truth, but I can tell that it wasn't the kidnapping of alien or he was the spy of another countries. However, I could feel something strange while the students tried to find Mr.Zane for their next class. I thought a lot of times, and the conclusion was too simple to accept. 

Well, it was really a simple book, but it also gave me some exciting feelings. I hope next books would be more fun.

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Dear Mr. Henshaw (Paperback, 미국판) - 1984 Newbery Newbery : 반드시 읽어야하는 뉴베리 수상작 18
비벌리 클리어리 지음 / HarperTrophy / 2000년 5월
평점 :

번역본이든, 원서든 감동은 두 배 바로 그 책 ^^

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Hi! Fly Guy (Scholastic Reader, Level 2) (Paperback) Fly Guy (Paperback) 1
테드 아널드 지음 / Cartwheel Books / 2006년 2월
평점 :

넘 웃겨요. 짧지만, 아이들은 즐거운 독서를 하고 있습니다

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