It’s just a hole in the wall. 좁고 허름한 식당(가게)를


 " A hole in the wall " 라고 표현하세요 .




A :Where are we going for dinner ?

    저녁 먹으러 어디러 갈꺼야 ?


B : I know one good restaurant . I'm a regular customer there.

    내가 좋은 곳 하나 알아.              거기 단골이거든


A : What's it like?

    어떤 곳이야?


B : It's just a hole in the wall, but the food is great.

     꽤 작은 곳이야. 하지만 음식은 아주 좋아.






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I know a good restaurant. I go there all the time.
좋은 식당 하나 알고 있어. 나 거기 항상 가는데.


It’s a tiny little place, but it has really good food.
꽤 작은 곳인데, 음식 맛이 아주 좋아.

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nicksy28 2005-12-28 22:01   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
음~ 잘 배웠습니다.^^