• Image Summer Interior
    1909 (100 Kb); Oil on canvas, 24 x 29 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image Chop Suey
    1929 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 32 1/8 x 38 1/8 in; Collection Barney A. Ebsworth
  • Image Hotel Room
    1931 (150 Kb); Oil on canvas, 60 x 65 inches; Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection
  • Image New York Movie
    1939 (110 Kb); Oil on canvas, 32 1/4 x 40 1/8 in; The Museum of Modern Art, New York
  • Image Office at Night
    1940 (120 Kb); Oil on canvas, 22 1/8 x 25 inches; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Image Summer Evening
    1947 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 30 x 42 inches; Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Kinney
  • Image Rooms by the Sea
    1951 (140 Kb); Oil on canvas, 29 x 40 inches; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
  • Image Morning Sun
    1952 (160 Kb); Oil on canvas, 28 1/8 x 40 1/8 inches; Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio
  • Image A Woman in the Sun
    1961 (140 Kb); Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image Sun in an Empty Room
    1963 (160 Kb); Oil on canvas, 28 3/4 x 39 1/2 inches; Private collection
  • Image Chair Car
    1965 (120 Kb); Oil on canvas, 40 x 50 inches; Private collection
  • Image Sunday
    1926 (150 Kb); Oil on canvas, 29 x 34 in; The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
  • Image Drug Store
    1927 (210 Kb); Oil on canvas, 29 x 40 inches; The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • Image Prospect Street, Gloucester
    1928 (180 Kb); Watercolor on paper, 14 x 20 inches; Private collection
  • Image Early Sunday Morning
    1930 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 35 x 60 in; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image The Circle Theatre
    1936 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 27 x 36 inches; Private collection
  • Image Gas
    1940 (160 Kb); Oil on canvas, 26 1/4 x 40 1/4 in; The Museum of Modern Art, New York
  • Image Nighthawks
    1942 (120 Kb); Oil on canvas, 30 x 60 in; The Art Institute of Chicago
  • Image Rooms for Tourists
    1945 (220 Kb); Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
  • Image El Palacio
    1946 (120 Kb); Watercolor on paper, 20 3/4 x 28 5/8 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image Pennsylvania Coal Town
    1947 (160 Kb); Oil on canvas, 28 x 40 inches; Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio
  • Image Road in Maine
    1914 (150 Kb); Oil on canvas, 24 x 29 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image Blackhead, Monhegan
    1916-19 (220 Kb); Oil on wood, 9 3/8 x 13 in; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image The Mansard Roof
    1923 (240 Kb); Watercolor on paper, 13 3/4 x 19 inches; The Brooklyn Museum, New York
  • More details House by the Railroad
  • Image Light at Two Lights
    1927 (130 Kb); Watercolor on paper, 14 x 20 inches; Collection of Blount, Inc., Montgomery, Alabama
  • Image The Lighthouse at Two Lights
    1929 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 29 1/2 x 43 1/4 inches; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  • Image Corn Hill (Truro, Cape Cod)
    1930 (110 Kb); Oil on canvas, 72.4 x 108 cm (28 1/2 x 42 1/2 in); McNay Art Institute, San Antonio, TX
  • Image Cape Cod Afternoon
    1936 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 34 x 50 inches; Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • http://www.whitney.org/

    Railroad Sunset Hopper to Mid-Century: Highlights from the Permanent Collection

    on continuous view
    Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Galleries, Floor 5
    An entire century of American art can be seen through the rich holdings of the Whitney’s permanent collection. The first half of the exhibition chronicles the development of American art from the exuberant expressions of early twentieth-century realists to later modernist experiments in abstraction. Highlights of the exhibition include a special concentration of Edward Hopper paintings, George Bellows’s boxing masterpiece Dempsey and Firpo (1924), Georgia O’Keeffe’s sexually suggestive abstraction Music—Pink and Blue II (1919), and Joseph Stella’s paean to mechanization, The Brooklyn Bridge: Variation on an Old Theme (1939).

    Edward Hopper, Railroad Sunset, 1929
    Oil on canvas, 29 1/4 x 48 in. (74.3 x 121.9 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art‚ New York; Josephine N. Hopper Bequest 70.1170. Photograph by Bill Jacobson

    Whitney Museum of American Art
    945 Madison Avenue at 75th Street
    New York, NY 10021
    General Information: 1 (800) WHITNEY


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    하이드 2006-05-15 09:36   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
    시카고 갈 수 있을까, 어쩔까,

    플로라 2006-05-15 10:41   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
    미국이 자랑하는 호퍼 씨 작품들, 간 김에 실컷보고 오겠군요... 존 싱어 사전트도 볼 수 있겠죠? 마담 X ㅠ.ㅠ

    Shaylor 2006-05-17 06:38   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
    시카고에 가 하이드, 니가 많이 좋아할꺼야. 시카고 앗오브뮤졈도 콜렉션 상당해
    바스턴 :) 도 가고
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