This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice
When I shout it out loud

It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
I Frankly said I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life

This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
Luck ain't even lucky
Got to make your own breaks

It's my life
And it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
I Frankly said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life

Better stand tall when they're calling you out
Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down

It's my life
And it's now or never
'Cause I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
I Frankly said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life
And it's now or never
'Cause I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
I Frankly said I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life!

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마노아 2008-06-10 01:26   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
와, 멋져요! 예전에 이승환, 박정현과 조인트로 한 시월의 눈 내리는 마을에서 성시경 공연을 봤어요. 무척 재밌었던 기억이 나요. 작년엔 환경 콘서트에서 역시 노래하는 것 보았구요. 이 노래도 참 좋아요. ^^

Loch 2008-06-10 09:23   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
마노아님 반가워요.저도 그때 갔었는데 우리승환님의 팬들이 시경에게로 쏠리는 걸 보고 흠짓했답니다.둘의 키차이에 다시는 둘이 한무대에 서지 않기를 간절히 바랬구요.^^ 그때 시경이 참피언을 부르며 온객석을 돌았는데 형광빛 노란자켓과 열광의 도가니 잊혀지지 않아요.^^