경찰혐오자의 작가, 최고의 추리소설대가 중의 한 분이셨던 에드 멕베인이 사망했다. 사인은 암이고 몇년동안 투병생활을 했다.

87분(관)서 시리즈로 제일 유명하고, 그 밖에도 변호사 매튜 호프 시리즈나, 주정꾼 탐정의 커트 캐넌이 유명한 캐릭터다. < 블랙보드 정글 >은 영화 '폭력 교실'의 원작으로 그의 출세작이 되기도 했다.


사망 기사입니다.

We've just received word that long time author Ed McBain/Evan Hunter has died at the age of 78. No details yet, but word comes from a reliable source, and the McBain website shows simply "1926-2005" on the first page. We'll try to provide information as we have it.

McBain, the creator of the massively popular 87th Precinct series, the Matthew Hope as well as countless other books, who also, as Evan Hunter wrote The Blackboard Jungle, had been fighting cancer for the last several years.
www.edmcbain.com에서 인용

With a sorrowful heart, I wanted to pass along the sad news that Evan Hunter (aka Ed McBain) passed away this afternoon after battling cancer for three years. He was a lovely man, a real gentleman with a wonderful wit and a prodigious talent. His many novels will continue to not only delight but educate readers and I'm pretty sure Evan would be very pleased to know that's true...and that he'll be missed. Very much.

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