Ricky Ricottas Mighty Robot: The First Adventure Novel (Prebound, School & Librar)
Pilkey, Dav / Turtleback Books / 2000년 2월
평점 :



Action scenes



This book's character is Ricky Ricotta. 
He meet his giant flying Robot! Young readers will cheer as Ricky and his enormous fiying Robot friend soar through the air and battle the diablical Dr.stimky, an evill scidntist who threatens to take over the world. So Dr. stimky is made monster, and  Mighty Robot. But Mighty Robot is good, Monster is very bad. So Mighty Robot is guerd to the world, Monster is destroy of the world. So Mighty Robot is win. Yeah~~~! Mighty Robot is guerd to the world. And they are spend good days.

new words

1. company : 회사
2. bully : 약자를 괴롭히는 사람
3. recess : 휴회기간
4. refuse : 거절
5. zap : 제압하다.
6. evil : 사악한

my think

I think, the Mighty Robot is brave and very good.

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