The Little Match Girl (성냥팔이 소녀) 영어로 읽는 명작동화 6
우리기획 구성 / 계림닷컴 / 2001년 2월
평점 :

I read a this book a reason is my piano teather give me this book. What is this book's content? Let's go!!!  

The Little Match Girl was selling match. But people are not selling match. Oh, poor girl. 
But the litte Match Girl is if i briong mothing to uncle, he must be mad at she. I worry the match girl  She think 'These matches can make me warm,' So she saw her dead grandmother in the flame. The Grandmother flew away up to the heaven holding the little match girl in the arms. So she is dead.
I impression comtent is
My dear come and go with me said the grandmother. The Grandmother flew away up to the heaven holding the little match girl in her arms. 

<New words>

1. had gone : 사라졌다. 

2. a falling star : 떨어지는 별, 별똥별 

3. in one's arms : 누구의 품에 

4. burnt :  (불에) 탄 

5. warmth : 온기 

6. sadly : 슬프게, 안타깝게 

<My think>
I think The Little Match Girl is very poor. 
So i hope in the sky The Little Match Girl is happy

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