차별/혐오는 추상적 개념이면서 동시에 구체성으로 표출되어지는 것이 아닐까 하는 생각이 든다. 추상적 개념이 구체성으로 드러날때 그 개념의 본질적인 속성이 더 잘 드러나 보일 가능성이 높아 보인다. 백인 우월주의라는 말보다 린치 당한 흑인사진의 엽서를 지인들에게 보내면서 "내가 어제 밤 바베큐한거야" 라고 표현한 그들과.... 흑인들의 삶과 일상이 어떠했을지가 눈앞에 펼쳐진다. 백인 이x들, 도대체 무슨 짓까지 한 것일까?! 더 많이 알아야 할 것 같다.
White Supremacy was and is an American reality.
By 1890s, lynching fever gripped the South, spreading like cholera, as white communities made blacks their primary target, and torture their focus. Burning the black victim slowly for hours was the chief method of torture. Lynching became a white media spectacle, in which prominent newspapers, like the Atlanta Constitution, announced to the public the place, date, and time of the expected hanging and burning of black victime.
It was a family affair, a ritual celebration of white supremacy, where women and children were often given the first opportunity to torture black victime-burning black flesh and cutting off genitals, fingers, toes, and ears as souvenirs.
Postcards were made from the phtographs taken of black victims with shite lynchers and onlookers smiling as they struck a pose for the camera................(omitted)...,then mailed them to relatives and friends, often with a note saying something like this:"This is the barbeque we had last night."