Read These Before You Die
Reed (College Park MD USA)
Qualifications: Bibliophile
Last updated: January 9, 2006
Read: 64 times

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Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad  
$5.95   Used & New from: $0.01
If you liked 'Heart of Darkness'...

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The Green Knight by Iris Murdoch  
$10.88   Used & New from: $0.06
Because so few books change your entire perspective.

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Ulysses (Vintage International) by James Joyce  
$11.05   Used & New from: $6.49
yes yes yes i will yes

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Cities of the Red Night : A Novel by William S. Burroughs  
$9.75   Used & New from: $3.25
Literary heroin...literally.

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The LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST by Nikos Kazantzakis  
$11.20   Used & New from: $3.89
Reading this does not make you a heretic--it makes you smart.

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The Women of Whitechapel and Jack the Ripper by Paul West  
$14.95   Used & New from: $0.56
'From Hell' of a good story.

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Crash : A Novel by J. G. Ballard  
$10.01   Used & New from: $6.98
You have never read anything like this...I promise.

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Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee  
$10.78   Used & New from: $1.94
There's a reason why he won a Pulitzer

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Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf  
$9.24   Used & New from: $0.60
TRY not liking this book.  You will fail.

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The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon  
$9.75   Used & New from: $1.97
One of the best living authors on the planet.

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Arrogance : A Novel by Joanna Scott  
$10.78   Used & New from: $4.99
I studied with her.  She is brilliant and insane.

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Moby-Dick (Bantam Classic) by Herman Melville  
$4.95   Used & New from: $1.15
Obvious choice?  Well's GOOD.

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Black Hole by Charles Burns  
$15.72   Used & New from: $8.32
Frank Miller is an amateur!  Humanity in black-and-white.

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