챈들러의 '기나긴 이별'을 다 읽어냈다. 궁시렁궁시렁 거리면서 읽어내긴 했지만,
챈들런데, 말로운데, 아쉬움이 너무 짙어져 아마존을 뒤져본다.

생각날때마다 카트에 담아두고, 사고 싶은 맘이 강하게 드는 책들이 있으면, 그 때야 체크아웃을 한다.
그 와중에 맨날 들락날락만 하는 책들도 있고, 역시나 싸고 주로 시리즈인 미스테리들이 대거 자리를 잡는다.

The Black EchoThe Black Ice

마이클 코넬리의 책 두권

왜 이생각을 못 했을까... 라기보다는 궁금하지만, 별로 관심은 없었던 책.
얼마전 endo님의 서재에서 보고, 잽싸게 카트에 담았다. 다행히 이번 주문에 안 빠지고 계산됨.

Dictionary of the Khazars (F) (Vintage International)Dictionary of the Khazars (M) (Vintage International)

근데, 정말 어떤 책이야? 내용도 아직 안 봤다.
작가의 다른 책들중 재미있을 것 같은 책 몇권을 더 담았다.

Landscape Painted with Tea (Vintage International Series)Last Love in Constantinople: A Tarot Novel for Divination

미스테리 작가가 아닌 작가의 책을 네권이나 사는건 정말 흔치 않은일.

The Raymond Chandler Papers: Selected Letters and Nonfiction 1909-1959Raymond Chandler: Collected Stories (Everyman's Library)

왼쪽의 책은 챈들러가 쓴 편지나 칼럼등을 모아 놓은 책이고, 오른쪽은 챈들러의 중단편 25개가 수록되어 있는 1300페이지 정도의 묵직한 책이다.

The Sweetheart Season : A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle)

제인오스틴북클럽의 작가의 다른 책을 한권 골라 봤다.

Inez: A Novel

카를로스 푸엔테스의 소설.
100페이지가 안되는 하드커버의 책. 궁금

Blood Work

마이클 코넬리 책 한권 더. 맘에 드는 마이리스트를 발견했는데, 이 작품이 코넬리 작품중 최고였단다.

Shakespeare : The Biography

마지막까지 고민하다가, 결국 계산.
피터애크로이드란 이름도 세익스피어란 이름도 만만치가 않아서, 리뷰들을 꼼꼼히 봤는데,
아래의 리뷰 보고 고민을 마치고 주문에 성공.

Shakespeare's life is brilliantly explored by Peter Ackroyd, January 3, 2006

Reviewer: C. M Mills "Michael Mills" (Knoxville Tennessee) - See all my reviews
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)is the greatest dramatist and English poet in history. All aspects of human life-the muck and
moil, toil and tragedy, gaiety, romantic love, glory, honor,
kingship, prejudice and those thousand natural shocks that make us human are exposed in all their reality by the master from
Stratford on Avon in Warwackshire.
In the countless books on Shakespeare this one by Peter Ackroyd stands out like a Mt. Everest among lesser peaks.
The book is outstanding because:
1. Ackroyd goes to the sources reporting what we can know about Shakespeare based on family, church and court records which survive the long centuries.
2. He briefly explores the genesis of the plays.
3. He shows us how Shakespeare worked as a dramatist with player companies in the rough and tumble London literary scene. He wrote for plays to be produced in a time of plagues, riots, threats against the government, fires and countless difficulties in getting plays published and perfomed.
4. He looks at Shakespeare's rivalries with other eminent men of the theatre such as Ben Jonson and most notably Christopher Marlow. We seek Shakespeare learning stagecraft and honing his
incomparable pen to produce such immortal works as Hamlet, Macbeth, the history plays and such sparkling comedies as Much
Ado about Nothing and Twelfth Night.
6. Ackroyd takes us to the teeming streets of London. We smell,
taste, touch, dress and think like Elizabethians would do in their colorful, violent world of a brutal age.
7. Shakespeare is an enigma. We will never know the real man behind the glory of his written words. Ackroyd, though, brings us as close as we are likely to get to what it was like to be
William Shakespeare making a living as a playwright and actor.
The book is essential reading for anyone wanting to know more
about the bard of Avon. It is written in a popular style grounded in fantastic scholarship.
A fascinating and important book!

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챈들러 중단편! *ㅁ* 우와-탐나라-
캐런 조이 파울러의 책도 궁금해요.
하이드님, 이사가시기 전에도 책을 착착 쟁이시는군요. ^^ 이러다 박스 더 사셔야 하는거 아니유? =3=3=3
(부럽고 배 아파서 찔러라도 봄..;;)