The Alienist by Caleb Carr  
$7.99   Used & New from: $0.01
A great mystery novel, with well explored characters, top notch plot, and a little bit of criminology history thrown in.

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The Quiet Game by Greg Iles  
$7.99   Used & New from: $2.54
One of the best pieces of fiction I've read.

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Blood Work by Michael Connelly  
$7.99   Used & New from: $0.01
I love all of Michael Connelly's books, but this one is by far my favorite. He does amazing character development.

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Gone For Good by Harlan Coben  
Used & New from: $0.01
By far the best mystery novel of 2002, a new classic.
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Out of Nowhere by Doris Mortman  
Used & New from: $0.01
Absolutely brilliant piece of suspence writing with a very human protagonist.
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The Angel of Darkness by Caleb Carr  
$7.99   Used & New from: $0.01
Another in Caleb Carr series. Some of the same characters, but a different character is telling this story. It also looks at an interesting issue, what makes women serial killers.

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The Concrete Blonde (A Harry Bosch Novel) by Michael Connelly  
Used & New from: $0.90
Connelly is the greatest and Harry Bosch series should be read completely, but this one is my favorite.
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Darkness, Take My Hand (Patrick Kenzie/Angela Gennaro Novels) by Dennis Lehane  
$7.99   Used & New from: $0.20
The best of the Kenzie/ Genarro series and that is saying a lot. Prayers for Rain is a close second though.

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Dead Sleep by Greg Iles  
Used & New from: $0.30
Iles is one of very few men who can write a female protagonist. well. This story has so many angles, you are going to have a hard time keeping all the information in your head.
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The Overseer by Jonathan Rabb  
Used & New from: $0.01
This book combines medieval history, current political theory, and a lot of fast paced writing. It is great.
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Judas Child by Carol O'Connell  
$7.99   Used & New from: $0.01
An absolutely brilliant novel. It is a stand alone, but I hope O'Connell will revisit some of the characters in her later work.

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Mystic River by Dennis Lehane  
$7.99   Used & New from: $0.01
This novel has a great set-up and I guarantee you, you won't have the right suspect until almost the very end. Also, lends itself to make a very good movie one day.

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Smilla's Sense of Snow by Peter Hoeg  
$10.20   Used & New from: $0.01
An amazing piece of literature where the setting (Iceland) is a character in unravelling a murder and corparate and scientific intrigue.

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The Man Who Cast Two Shadows (Kathleen Mallory Novels (Paperback)) by Carol O'Connell  
$7.99   Used & New from: $0.01
Aside from use of Agatha Christie-like titles, Carol O'Connell is a very good writer. She created a protagonist you wouldn't want to be in the same room with, but can't help being riveted by.

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Eyes of a Child by Richard North Patterson  
$7.99   Used & New from: $0.01
I haven't added to this list in a long time, but I had to with this book. Great plot, absorbing characters, neat twists. Five stars, easy.

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