ECPA's Best of 2010

Rank ISBN Title Author Publisher
1 9780802473158 The Five Love Languages Gary Chapman Moody Publishers
2 9780805448856 The Love Dare Stephen & Alex Kendrick B&H Publishing Group
3 9780964729230 The Shack William Paul Young Windblown Media
4 9781434768513 Crazy Love Francis Chan David C Cook
5 9781591451884 Jesus Calling Sarah Young Thomas Nelson Publishers
6 9780446691093 Battlefield of the Mind Joyce Meyer FaithWords
7 9780764205736 The Telling Beverly Lewis Bethany House/Baker Publishing Group
8 9780849921391 Fearless Max Lucado Thomas Nelson Publishers
9 9781434767950 Forgotten God Francis Chan David C Cook
10 9781414334721 So Long, Insecurity Beth Moore Tyndale House Publishers
11 9781414301273 Bringing up Girls James C. Dobson Tyndale House Publishers
12 9781601422217 Radical David Platt Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group
13 9781591451877 Love and Respect Emerson Eggerichs Thomas Nelson Publishers
14 9780764205743 The Thorn Beverly Lewis Bethany House/Baker Publishing Group
15 9780310275923 The Me I Want to Be John Ortberg Zondervan
16 9781414318639 Her Mother's Hope Francine Rivers Tyndale House Publishers
17 9781404113749 Grace for the Moment Morning and Evening Edition Max Lucado Thomas Nelson Publishers
18 9780310266266 Take Three Karen Kingsbury Zondervan
19 9780310266273 Take Four Karen Kingsbury Zondervan
20 9780446565943 The Coming Economic Armageddon David Jeremiah FaithWords
21 9780310266952 Unlocked Karen Kingsbury Zondervan
22 9780310327899 The Christian Atheist Craig Groeschel Zondervan
23 9780736919241 The Power of a Praying Wife Stormie Omartian Harvest House Publishers
24 9780310247456 Boundaries John Townsend Zondervan
25 9781599792460 Prayers That Rout Demons John Eckhardt Charisma House
26 9780446580366 Power Thoughts Joyce Meyer FaithWords
27 9780800759490 90 Minutes in Heaven Cecil Murphey Revell/Baker Publishing Group
28 9780310276999 The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren Zondervan
29 9780842379427 Heaven Randy C. Alcorn Tyndale House Publishers
30 9781433668234 The Love Dare Day by Day Stephen & Alex Kendrick B&H Publishing Group
31 9780849919107 Same Kind of Different As Me Ron Hall/Denver Moore Thomas Nelson Publishers
32 9780800719913 Choosing to SEE Ellen Vaughn Revell/Baker Publishing Group
33 9780849920691 Outlive Your Life Max Lucado Thomas Nelson Publishers
34 9780525950790 Prodigal God Timothy Keller Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated
35 9781404187825 Jesus Calling Sarah Young Thomas Nelson Publishers
36 9781591854135 The Bait of Satan John Bevere Charisma House
37 9780842356329 Lineage of Grace Francine Rivers Tyndale House Publishers
38 9781601421128 Do Hard Things Alex & Brett Harris Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group
39 9780830730858 What the Bible is All About Henrietta Mears Gospel Light
40 9780670022120 In the Company of Others Jan Karon Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated
41 9780736920865 The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children Stormie Omartian Harvest House Publishers
42 9781602600621 A Cousin's Challenge Wanda E. Brunstetter Barbour Publishing
43 9781415868027 Breaking Free Beth Moore LifeWay Christian Resources
44 9781600660153 The Pursuit of God A. W. Tozer WingSpread Publishers
45 9780446557856 Hearing from God Each Morning Joyce Meyer FaithWords
46 9781590525135 Redeeming Love Francine Rivers Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group
47 9780310242826 Sacred Marriage Gary Thomas Zondervan
48 9780446545099 Your Best Life Begins Each Morning Joel Osteen FaithWords
49 9780785211600 Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words W. E. Vine Thomas Nelson Publishers
50 9780800719029 Have a New Kid by Firday Kevin Leman Revell/Baker Publishing Group

The ECPA Bestseller Lists are compiled using adult book sales data from retail stores and websites across the U.S. A book must have sales in at least 20% of reporting providers during at least one week of the represented reporting cycle to be placed on the list. Only Trade Paper, Cloth and Mass Market Paper books are reported, tracts, mini-books or booklets are not included on this list. Only books which are offered to stores at a trade discount from a publisher or wholesaler are featured on the list. Seasonal/holiday books are omitted from this list.

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