Christianity Today: Top 50 Books That Have
Shaped Evangelicals*
Hurst Library
Northwest University

The living Bible, paraphrased (1971). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House. 220.52083 L785, 1971

Anderson, B. W., Butler, J. T., Conrad, E. W., & Ollenburger, B. C. (1985). Understanding the word:
Essays in honour of Bernhard W. Anderson. Sheffield, Eng.:JSOT 220.6 U55

Andrew, Sherrill, J. L., & Sherrill, E. (1967). God's smuggler. Old Tappan, NJ: F. H. Revell Co. 266.347

Bonhoeffer, D. (1959). The cost of discipleship. New York: Collier Books. 226.9 B714c, 1959r

Briner, B. (2000). Roaring lambs: A gentle plan to radically change your world. Grand Rapids, MI:
Zondervan Publishing House. 261.1 B8582r, 2000

Bruce, F. F. (1960). The new testament document : Are they reliable (5th ed.). London: Inter-Varsity
Fellowship. 225.13 B886n

Cloud, H., & Townsend, J. S. (1992). Boundaries: When to say yes, when to say no to take control of your
life. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House. 248.4 C647b

Coleman, R. E. (1964). The master plan of evangelism. Westwood, NJ: F.H. Revell Co. 269.2 C692m

Colson, C. W. (1976). Born again. Old Tappan, NJ: F. H. Revell Co. 248.20924 C723b, 1997

Dobson, J. C. (1970). Dare to discipline. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. 649.1 D635d

Elliot, E. (1957). Through gates of splendor (1st ed. ed.). New York: Harper. 266.0092 E46et, 1957

Engstrom, T. W., & Mackenzie, R. A. (1967). Managing your time: Practical guidelines on the effective use
of time. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House.
658 E58m, 1967r

Foster, R. J. (1988). Celebration of discipline: The path to spiritual growth (Rev. 1st ed.). San Francisco:
Harper & Row. 248.4896 F756c, 1988

Henry, C. F. H. (1947). The uneasy conscience of modern fundamentalism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
261 H521u

Jenkins, P. (2002). The next Christendom : The coming of global Christianity. Oxford ; New York: Oxford
University Press. 270.830112 J52n, 2002

Johnson, P. E. (1993). Darwin on trial (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. 576.82
J68da, 1993

Johnstone, P. J. S. G. (2001). Operation world (21st century ed.). Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Paternoster
Lifestyle. Ref. 266.023 J73o, 2001

Kennedy, D. J., & Parrish, A. (1977). Evangelism explosion. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
269.2 K35e, 1977

Ladd, G. E. (1959). The gospel of the kingdom; Scriptural studies in the kingdom of God. Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans. 231 L154g

LaHaye, T. F., & Jenkins, J. B. (1995). Left behind: A novel of the earth's last days. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale
House Publishers. 813.54 L183L, 1996

LaHaye, T. F., & LaHaye, B. (1978). The act of marriage: The beauty of sexual love. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan Publishing House. 248.844 L183a, 1978

L'Engle, M. (1962). A wrinkle in time. New York: Dell Publishing Co. Child. 813.54 L566wr, 1973

Lewis, C. S. (1960). Mere Christianity. New York: Macmillan. 201.1 L673m

Lindsey, H., & Carlson, C. C. (1970). The late great planet earth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 236.3

Little, P. E. (1967). Know why you believe. Wheaton, IL: Scripture Press Publications. 239 L778k

Marshall, C. (1967). Christy (1st ed. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 813 M367c

McDowell, J. (1972). Evidence that demands a verdict: Historical evidences for the Christian faith. San
Bernardino, CA: Campus Crusade for Christ International. 220.601 M138e

Newbigin, L. (1989). The gospel in a pluralist society. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans; WCC
Publications. 261 N534g

Noll, M. A. (1994). The scandal of the evangelical mind. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans. 280.40973

Packer, J. I. (1973). Knowing God. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. 231.1 P119k

Peretti, F. E. (1986). This present darkness. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books. 813.54 P437th

Perkins, J. (1976). Let justice roll down: John Perkins tells his own story. Ventura, CA: G/L Regal Books.
280.4092 P449L, 1976

Piper, J. (1986). Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian hedonist. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press.
248.4 P665d

Pippert, R. M. (1979). Out of the saltshaker & into the world: Evangelism as a way of life. Downers Grove,
IL: InterVarsity Press. 269.2 P665o

Rinker, R. (1959). Prayer: Conversing with God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 248.32 R582p

Scanzoni, L., & Hardesty, N. (1975). All we're meant to be: A biblical approach to women's liberation.
Waco, TX: Word Books. 261.83412 S283a, 1975r

Schaeffer, F. A. (1968). The God who is there; speaking historic Christianity into the twentieth century.
Chicago: Inter-varsity Press. 230.015 S294g

Shedd, C. W. (1968). The stork is dead. Waco, TX: Word Books. 176 S541s

Sider, R. J. (1990). Rich Christians in an age of hunger. Dallas: Word Pub. 261.85 S568r, 1990

Smith, T. L. (1980). Revivalism and social reform in mid-nineteenth-century America revivalism and social
reform: American Protestantism on the eve of the civil war. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press. 269.240973 S662r, 1980

Stott, J. R. W. (1966). Basic Christianity. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. 239 S888b

Ten Boom, C., Sherrill, J. L., & Sherrill, E. (1971). The hiding place. Washington Depot: CT: Chosen
Books. 269.2092 T289h, 1971

Tournier, P. (1957). The meaning of persons. New York: Harper. 137 T728m

Tozer, A. W. (1961). The knowledge of the holy: The attributes of god, their meaning in the Christian life
(1st ed.). New York: Harper & Row. 231.4 T757k

Warren, R. (2002). The purpose-driven life: What on earth am I here for? Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
248.4 W292p, 2002

Whitcomb, J. C., & Morris, H. M. (1961). The genesis flood; the Biblical record and its scientific
implications. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.
222.11 W581g

Wilkerson, D. R. (1963). The cross and the switchblade. New York: B. Geis Associates. 259.5 W681c

Willard, D. (1998). The divine conspiracy: Rediscovering our hidden life in God (1st ed.). San Francisco:
HarperSanFrancisco. 248.4 W692d, 1998

Wimber, J., & Springer, K. (1986). Power evangelism (1st ed.). San Francisco: Harper & Row. 231.73

Yancey, P. (1997). What's so amazing about grace? Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 234 Y21w, 1997

*List from

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