The Itsy Bitsy Spider
영미권에서 전해오는 유명한 마더구스지요..
이미 귀에 익숙한지라 친숙하게 읽을수 있는 책인 것 같아요..
책읽고 간단한 활용하면 더 좋겠죠..^^
준비물-거미도안(+click+), 빨대, 동전, 실
1. 거미그림(파일첨부)을 2장 인쇄해서 오린다.
2. 앞면이 될 거미그림의 뒤쪽에 빨대를 짧게 잘라서 아래쪽으로 벌어지도록 테잎으로 붙힌다.
3. 빨대의 벌어진 사이에 동전을 테잎으로 붙힌다.
4. 빨대사이로 실을 통과시킨후 양쪽으로 길게 남긴다.
5. 밑면이 될 거미를 앞면에 맞추어 붙히면 완성.
<거미에 관한 storytelling>
Have you ever seen a spider?
Where did you see the spider?
I saw it on the wall.
What does it do?
It was spinning its web.
Think about the spider's legs.
how many legs do they have?
Mmm, six?
No, try agian.
A-ha, eight legs.
That's it. They have eight legs.
Six legs on the insect and eight legs on the spider.
Therefore, Spiders are not insects.
Insects have six legs.
Usually insects have three body parts and spiders have only two body parts.
And they have strong jaws.
And insects have 2 antennas, but spiders have no antennas.
Now, let's playing spider game with mom.
거미놀이 하면서 The Itsy Bitsy Spider~ 노래하면 좋겠죠?
The itsy bitsy spider
went up the water spout
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out
Out came the sun
and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider
went up the spout again
하은이의 거미놀이