<Happy Easter, Biscuit!>
Biscuit's first Easter egg hunt is going to be egg-stra special. Where are all the eggs hidden? Lift up the flaps to find out!
제목의 Happy Easter와 그림에서 짐작할 수 있듯, Easter Egg를 찾는 이야기. 플랩북.
<Biscuit Loves Mother's Day> /131024
Mother's Day is a great day to show Mom how much we care.
Let's celebrate Mother's Day, Biscuit! There are so many ways to make Mom feel special. Pull back the big flaps to see the surprises Biscuit and the little girl have in store for Mom!

<Biscuit's Valentine's Day> /131024
It's Valentine's Day and Biscuit and the little girl have a lot of special deliveries to make. But when Biscuit smells a treat that silly puppy just can't seem to help himself. How will the little girl show Biscuit how much she loves him?

<Biscuit's Christmas Eve> /131026
Santa's on his way, Biscuit! It's Christmas Eve and there's lot to do! Will Biscuit help prepare for Santa's arrival?

<Happy Halloween, Biscuit!> /131026
Biscuit and the little girl are going trick-or-treating on his first Halloween. What kinds of silly surprises are in store for them?
<Biscuit's 100th Day of School> /131027
After 100 days of school, it's time to celebrate! How will Biscuit help with the fun?
Sweet puppy! There are hundreds of ways to celebrate the 100th day of school, but there is only one puppy as special as you!

<Biscuit's Graduation Day> /131027
Graduation is the perfect time to look back on a wonderful year at school. Join Biscuit and unfold the flaps to see what treats the day holds in store.
The graduation ceremony is about to begin.
Dogs din't get diplomas. You must be the teacher's pet.
<Biscuit Loves Father's Day> /131027
Father's Day is a great time to show Dad how much we love him.
on your mark get set and go
Those sticks are just what we need.
There's always room on Dad's lap, for both of us!
<Biscuit's First Sleepover> /131027
No tugging on the pillows, Puddles. No tugging on the blankets, Biscuit.
"This is our first sleepover. But we can make a wish on the stars and say goodnight to the moon, just like at home."
It's time for a sleepover! Will Biscuit ever be able to get to sleep? It's fun to have a sleepover with friends!
<Meet Biscuit!> /131031
The new puppy is here! What will the little girl name him?
"That's it!" the little girl cried. "Biscuit!" "Biscuit is the perfect name for you!"
"Hello, Biscuit! You found a name all by yourself!"
<Biscuit visits the Doctor> /131031
Join Biscuit and the little girl when they visit Dr.Green's office for a checkup, and meet new friends, too!
<Biscuit's Birthday> /131031
Woof, Bow wow, Meow / You may be a year older, but you will always be my silly little puppy.
Today is Biscuit's birthday, and he's having a party! join his friends in helping him celebrate.
<Biscuit's Show and Share Day> /131031
It's a special day at school today. What will the little girl bring to show the class? Biscuit has a great idea! "Welcome to school, Biscuit. This is going to be the most special show and share day of all!"
<Mind Your Manners, Biscuit!> /131031
강아지 일러스트도 귀엽고 글밥도 아주 쉽고, 추천연령은 2-6세 혹은 3-6세(표기되어 있지 않은 책도 있지만). 책에 따라 Acitivity Page가 있다. 오디오북을 들어보면 Woof! 하는 귀여운 강아지 소리가 난다.