주니어 리딩튜터 Special Edition 2
능률교육 편집부 엮음 / 능률교육(참고서) / 2009년 4월
평점 :
JUNIOR READING TUTOR Special English Edition 2
special English edition 1을 마치고 한 단계 업그레이드 해서 이제 edition 2를 진행할 차례이다. 연두색의 1단계에 비해서 2단계의 파란색이 더 산뜻해 보이는 듯 하다. 이렇게 차곡차곡 쌓은 실력이 중학교에 진학해서 빛을 발하기를 바란다. shadow speaking도 점차 충실하게 이행할 수 있기를~
Section 01 Culture
The microphone systems are all new.
How Hindus clean the Ganges River.
Section 02 Common Knowledge
Crying is better than trying to stop the tears.
How to Make Anger Go Away.
Section 03 Counselling
It important that you win the next game.
He thinks school is unnecessary, but hi parents don't agree with him.
Section 04 Self-improvement
to get along with others
How to rememberinformation well.
Section 05 Sports
The Pele Score:What Makes the Most Exciting Match.
There's no scientific reason for the Pele score.
Section 06 Teen Interest
Because, the boy asked her to pay half.
How the prom first started
Section 07 Curiosity
~하면 할수록, 더욱 더 ~하다.
What is SPF?
They are placed in the front of airplanes.
Section 08 School Life
They talk about school problems together.
They are collect blood, and they use this blood to help sick people.
Because, people don't like to get blood.
Section 09 Entertainment
much, even, still, far, a lot (비교급 강조, 훨씬)
even a good story cannot succeed without expensive actors ad special effects.
Section 10 Color
The effect ofcolor on psychology.
Why Do Doctors Wear Green during Operations?
Section 11 Today's Issue
Downloading Music:Agree or Disagree?
Section 12 Professional People
The good and bad sides of being a pro gamer.
How Park Jisung overcame his slump.