Esio Trot (Paperback) Roald Dahl : Reading Level 3.0-4.0 5
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 1999년 6월
평점 :

Esio Trot

written by Roald Dahl / illustrated by Quentin Blake
Puffin Books

Mr Hoppy was a lonely man.  But he loved Mrs. Silver.  Every morning, they have a polite greeting.  He was very shy, so he can't say 'I love you.'
Mrs. Silver had a tortoise.  She loved that.  So Mr. Hoppy bought many tortoises, and give the magical spell, to Mrs. Silver.
When Mrs. Silver said spell, he changed tortoise to bigger than before tortoise.
So they were more close, finally they married.

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