Magic Reader 53 Something's Missing (Paperback + CD 1장) - Grade 5 (2000 words) Magic Reader 시리즈 53
월드컴 / 2007년 7월
평점 :

omething's Missing 53

written by Meredith Costain
illustrated by Martin Bailey
WorldCom ELT

등장인물           별명                                왜? (이유나 근거)
Quinton         Epilogue                       Hetends to jump to corclusion's.
Ann               Homes girl                   She is good at solving mysteries.
Jason            Park Ji Sung                 He is a great soccer player.
Tammy          burning girl                   She has hot temper.
Miss Garcia    trouble solving broker    She solve where is the game

Plot -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quinton has a new computer game 'Anteater', but he missing his game.  So they find, find, find.  Oh my goodness, he has a computer game!

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