Zack Files 03 : A Ghost Named...Wanda (Paperback + CD 1장) The Zack Files (Book + CD) 3
Dan Greenburg 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2006년 6월
평점 :

The ZACK files A Ghost Named Wanda

written by Dan Greenburg
Grosset & Dunlap

  Zack, Zack's father and Wanda go to Vernon's house.  Zack's meet Cecil that Vernon's polter geist.  Cecil is very polite, very good grammar, and have a very fancy hand writing, but Wanda is crude, uneducated, and an unacceptably messy person.  They(Cecil and Wanda) first quarrel.  Because, they are very different.  They are inagonyto where Cecil and Wanda will live.  Finally they choose live at the haunted house.

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