Magic Reader 59 Singing in the Shower (Paperback + CD 1장) - Grade 5 (2000 words) Magic Reader 시리즈 59
월드컴 / 2007년 7월
평점 :

Singing in the Shower

written by George Ivanoff
illustrated by Craig Smith

  Ricky is a very shy boy, but talented at singing.  One day Ricky's sister Rosie sees singing contest.  She ask enters at singing contest to Ricky, but Ricky is a very shy boy!  So he said "No"
So  Rosie and Ricky's best friend Bobby record that Ricky is singing at the shower, and they enter the recording, and Ricky won!  So Ricky does music show with Mia, but he runs in rehearsal.
So, Bobby make a idea that singing like sing at the shower, and it's success!

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