Magic Reader 62 Jamie Wins Again (Paperback + CD 1장) - Grade 6 (2500 words) Magic Reader 시리즈 62
월드컴 / 2007년 7월
평점 :

Jamie Wins Again

written by Lorraine Marwood / illustrated by Geoff Hocking

  Jamie is a very shy boy.  He has secret hobby.  That is enter contests and write jingles.  A few weeks later as Jamie arrives home from school he sees a crowd outside his house.  He wins!  But Jamie has to appears on the stage in television, and go to the shopping mall, and judge of the 'Baby show'!  Jamie understands that won in the contest is not good.  So, he has another hobby.  That is 'Cooking'!  He makes a book, and going to Baby Food Contest!  It is fun more than the 'Fearsome Creature'!

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