The Magic School Bus #11 : Butterfly and the Bog Beast (Paperback + CD 1장)
브루스 데근, 조애너 콜 지음 / Scholastic / 2006년 12월
평점 :

The Magic School Bus - #11-Butterfly and the Bog Beast 

Written by Joanna Cole / Illusted by Bruce Degan  


   One day Ms. Frizzle's Class are in the GYM.  And they see Arnold's cousin Janet is come.  They are going to the field trip!  They are take a Magic School Bus.  Ms.  Frizzle is fites the gun to janet.  The small gun  But it's reflection the Liz's necklace.  So Ms. Frizzle's class are small!  And they see giant caterpiller, Janet and big butterflys.  And Janet see we magic school bus is changes butterfly!  So Janet wants to catch them.  So bus changes that!

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