Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed (Paperback + CD 1장) - NTG Set 19 Nate the Great 19
마르크 시몽 그림, 마조리 W. 샤맷 글 / 문진미디어(문진당) / 2007년 12월
평점 :

Oneday, Oliver come to the Nate the Great.  Because Oliver lose the weed.  So Nate has a one more case.  And they go to the Oliver's house.  Nate see Oliver is sit in.  There are flower pot and book in the front the fingerprint.  And they go to the Rosamond's   A dopi-A-weed.  But Rosamond is angry for a Sludge And Nate eat hotcake and go to the library, and the Oliver's house in the book find and find the weed.   Because Sludge hard to the can. (water)

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