Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail (Paperback + CD 1장) - NTG Set 11 ㅣ Nate the Great 11
마르크 시몽 그림, 마조리 W. 샤맷 글 / 문진미디어(문진당) / 2007년 12월
평점 :
- People -
Name : Nate
another name : Nate the Great
Job : Detective
Explain : Detective and the Solved case the 11 case. He has a dog. He is Sludge.
Name : Annie
Explain : Girl, She is very kind. And she is negro. And she hsa a dog. He is Fang.
Name : Rosamond
Explain : Nate think she is strange. That's right. And she is girl. And she has a cat. He is little nex....