Arthur Chapter Book 25 : Arthur and the Double Dare (Paperback + CD 1장) Arthur Chapter Books (Book + CD) 26
에듀카코리아 편집부 엮음 / 에듀카코리아 / 2006년 6월
평점 :

Arthur and his friends can't believe how much homework they have, Arthur wishes aloud that he could watch TV instead of doing his assignments.  One thing leads to another, and suddenly Arthur, Buster, Francine, and the Brain have all dared one another to skip school for a whole day!  A dare is a dare, so now they have to take it...  don't they? 

I think... They are dool.  Because they become to school.  That's cool!  I can't become school and institute.  Because my mom treat for me!! So, I can't ㅠ.ㅠ.  He He He... 

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