Arthur Chapter Book 17 : Muffy's Secret Admirer (Paperback + CD 1장) Arthur Chapter Books (Book + CD) 18
에듀카코리아 편집부 엮음 / 에듀카코리아 / 2006년 6월
평점 :

Name : Muffy   

The sexual :  girl 

She is prize for the sience contest. 

Name : Brain 

The sexual : boy 

Brain and Francine are mischief for the Muffy. 

Name : Francine 

The sexual : girl 

Help the Brain, and mischief for the Muffy. 

I thinking... 

I think, the Muffy is so poor, and brain and Francine are hateful.  Expressly, the Francine is hateful.  Because, Francine is girl, but she is joke for a Muffy!  so, I think that

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