The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs Is a Little Perspective. (Hardcover) - A Story of Perspective About Life's Greatest Challenges
앤디 앤드루스 지음 / Thomas Nelson Inc / 2009년 4월
평점 :

This book is about wisdom.

When we think we are in trouble or despair, this book may be able to help us to overcome the situation.

There is a wise old man named 'Jones'.

He suggest that sometimes all a person needs is a little perspective.


A grateful perspective brings happiness and abundance into a person's life.

When we are happy and enthusiastic, others enjoy being around us.

One's opportunities and encouragement come from people.


There seem to be four dialects that se use to convey and feel loved.

cat -love of physical contact

canary- love expressed in quality time.

puppy dog - love of spoken words of approval

 and goldfish - love based puerly on favors and deeds


No matter your age, physical condition, finational situation, color, gender, emotional state, or belief... everything you do , every move you make, matters to all of us- and forever.



It is simply that they did not make a mistake. the made a choice... and never understand the difference between the two.



I wrote some passages that were impressive to me.





I have some questions after whole reading this book.

If I don't meet Jonse in my life, how I can get a perspective?

And can someone really  have a perspective after relatively short time conversation with wise man?

The other question is if Jones is real human being.

Jones seems to be somewhat divine.

Jones's words contain not only truth, but also love, so many people open their hearts to him very spontaneouly.


God gave us everything including truth.

God told us that the truth would set us free.


I think that the freedom is from despair, loneliness, hatred, greed, depression, and ignorrance , etc.


Just if you want, God will meet you like Jones.

Then you can get a perspective.

I think that a perspective is a view of God.


We can live like a person who we alwayse want to be during short time with our own efforts. But we cannot be changed to such a person during whole our lives.

To do that, we need help, love, and care from God.


I like this book because we can be taught about God with the example of Jones.



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