22 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear andperform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, eventhe elect. 23 So be on your guard; I have told you every-thing ahead of time. - P57
27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect fromthe four winds, from the ends of the earth to the endsof the heavens." - P57
The context of this passage is the destruction of the temple, which tookplace in 70 AD, but one lesson for us today is the power of our prayers. Jesus tells His disciples that their prayers can influence the timing ofevents. - P58
If God‘s people have to flee in the winter, their situation willbe even more difficult, so He tells His disciples to pray that the eventswould take place in another season. - P58
We do not know exactly how ouraffect different people and situations, but we know for sure thatthey do. May we not take this exhortation lightly and be mindful thatour prayers are powerful. We can anticipate that effective change willresult from our earnest and sincere prayers. prayers - P58
Today, there are some who are like false prophets and false messiahs, leading people astray from the truth of the gospel. - P58
We, too, should beaware that such people exist, and utilize God‘s wisdom to recognizethem with the help of the Holy Spirit. With His help we can discernintruth from lie and aid others in doing the same. - P58
God surelyknew what was best for me. Ultimately, I did get a job with every de-tail I requested, and there could be no doubt that God had answeredmy prayer. I was and still am extremely grateful, and whenever I amtempted to doubt the power of prayer, I remember this testimony, give thanks to God, and continue to offer sincere and earnest prayers. - P59