11 Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, dowhat-not worry beforehand about what to say. Just sayever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking,but the Holy Spirit. - P53
Ultimately, we recognize that God is in control andthat He will not allow such evils to persist forever. Until Jesus returns,we can continue to pray and work for His kingdom. - P54
Speaking before others about our faith can undoubtedly be challenging,but in those moments, we are encouraged to stand firm and perseverethrough any struggle, knowing that the Holy Spirit is with us and willguide us in what to say. - P54
Unfortunately, many people are attracted to negative news storiesrather than positive ones, and when we only read stories that provokefear and panic, we can easily lose perspective. If, however, we spendtime reading, reflecting, and remembering the powerful testimoniesof God working in people‘s lives-not only in the past but in today‘sworld as well-we are strengthened in our faith and encouraged topersevere through the challenges we face. We are reminded to respondwith faith instead of fear. - P55
Sometimes we can fall into the mindset of the teachers ofe law and selfishly live for the praise of others. Rather than operatingworldly standards, however, may we adopt the perspective of Jesus,discerning what is truly worthy of honor in God‘s sight. - P50
The biblical measure of what is honorable is that which is honorable to God."- Steve DeWitt - P50
In first-century Judea, the Pharisees and teachers of the law strove tolive honorable lives according to the law that they studied, but theywere prone to hypocrisy. They would fast and pray, but while makingsure that everyone saw them. - P51
The Pharisees knew God‘s laws, butthey would be critical of anyone who did not perfectly obey them.We might see a similar attitude among Christians today as some of us"compete" to show just how "holy" we are. But God sees the heart andknows what motivates us. He is not impressed by prideful actions andinstead values wholehearted faith and devotion to Him. - P51
Lord, thank you for fulfilling Your Word and sending Your Son to save us. I amgrateful that He has shown us how to live and how to see others from Yourperspective. May I honor Him and Your people in all I say and do. In Jesus‘name, amen. - P51
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offeringswere put and watched the crowd putting their moneyinto the temple treasury. Many rich people threw inlarge amounts.42 But a poorwidow came and put in two very smallcopper coins, worth only a few cents. - P49
It‘s a good guidance to navigate Him. He returns away those who come and seek to Him.Let‘s go to Him wholeheartedly, honestly and confidently through Word.
Jesus notices the posture of this man‘s heart andmeets him where he is, seeking to draw him to Himself. When we cometo God, even with our doubts and questions, He knows where ourhearts are. - P46
And if our hearts truly desire Him, then He meets us wherewe are, for He never turns away those who come to Him (John 6:37).Let us go to Him honestly and confidently. - P46
"The central basis of Christian assurance is not how much our hearts are set onGod, but how unshakably his heart is set on us." -Tim Keller - P46
Our God is the spotter of our faith. He has given us the ultimateconfidence to hold on to in our times of failure: the righteousness ofJesus Christ. And not only that; He beckons our hearts to desire anever greater measure of Him. - P47
And if any error be found in our ways,the spotter of our faith does not let us alone; He is committed to dis-ciplining His children so that we may be stretched and strengthenedin new and greater ways. - P47
요한복음이 왜 ‘여성의 복음‘으로 불리는지 알 만하다. 관점은 둘째치고, 묘사에서 섬세하기가 이를 데 없다. 읽는 내내 오감이 자극된다. 이러니 화가들이 편애하는 것도 당연지사."내게 손을 대지 말아라"라는 예수의 말씀을 라틴어로 옮기면,"놀리 메 탄게레 Noli me tangere" 가 된다. 수많은 화가가 똑같은 제목의그림을 그렸다. - P166
교황 그레고리우스 1세(주후 590-604 재위)가 그녀를 ‘창녀‘로 공식선언한 이래, 정정 보도가 나오기까지는 무려 1500년의 세월이 필요했다. 하지만 원래 ‘가짜뉴스‘의 수명은 오래가는 법. 로마 가톨릭교회가 1969년에 ‘막달라 마리아 창녀의 등식을 공식 철회했지만,1971년에 나온 브로드웨이 뮤지컬 <지저스 크라이스트 슈퍼스타>에서도 막달라 마리아는 어김없이 ‘창녀‘로 등장했다. 예수와 ‘죽음도갈라놓지 못한 사랑을 나눈 그녀는 이렇게 교회 안팎에서 ‘성녀이자창녀‘ 이미지를 동시에 지닌 채 어정쩡하게 소비되고 있다. 더욱 곤혹스러운 사실은 이러한 정체성 분열이 그녀에게만 적용되지 않는다는 것. ‘참 제자‘로 살기가 이리 어려워서야! - P169
‘막달라‘라는 단어는 아람어 ‘마그달라‘나 히브리어 ‘미그달‘에서유래했다. 이 단어에는 ‘요새, 성벽‘이라는 뜻 말고도 ‘견고함, 위대함, 훌륭함‘이라는 의미가 들어 있다. 그렇다면 ‘막달라 마리아‘를 ‘메리 더 그레이트 Mary the Great‘, 곧 ‘위대한 마리아‘로 새길 수 있지 않을까? 다시 말해, ‘막달라‘가 지명이 아니라면, 굳이 베다니의 마리아와 구분할 필요가 있을까?전설에 따르면, 예수가 승천한 뒤 막달라 마리아는 사막의 동굴에서 기도하며 지냈다고 한다. 털옷이 사막(야)에서 고행하는 예언자의 상징이라면, 화가들이 ‘털보 마리아‘를 그린 건 그 전설에 충실했기 때문으로 풀이할 수 있다. 그러니까 막달라 마리아는 예수의 십자가와 떼려야 뗄 수 없는 여인이다. 그러기에 부활과도 긴밀히 연결된다. - P179