불황이 닥쳤을 때에는 단호하게 행동해야 한다는 것이다. 다소 부작용을 낳을 수 있을지라도, 불황이 경제 전체에 끝없는 악순환을 유발하기 전에과단성 있게 대응해야 한다.

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경제가 꾸준히 성장하는 나라, 다시말해 생산성 주도의 경제성장을 이루는 나라에 투자해야 한다는 것이다.

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가장 중요한 교훈은 화폐 공급이 줄어들 때 심각한 위기가 찾아온다는 것이다.

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We started salesrred salesforce.com with a goal to create a different type of company. Our vision was to build a different technology model (Software-as-a-Service), a different sales model (subscription based) and a different philanthropic model (integrated into the for-profit corporation from the very beginning). Each of these ideas emanated from our disenchantment with the traditional manner in which things were done. The philanthropic effort in particular, though, stemmed from a personal experience.

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The very best part was being able to witness Steve Jobs walking around, motivating the developers. Steve‘s leadership created the energy and spirit in the office. Apple encouraged the "think different" mind-set throughout its entire organization. We even had a pirate flag on the roof. That summer, I discovered that it was possible for an entrepreneur to encourage revolutionary ideas and foster a distinctive culture.

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