창조적인 파괴가 진행됨에 따라, 파괴는 주로 소매업이나 제품 조달과 같은 노동집약적인 사업에서 일어날 것이고, 창조는 사람들을 많이 고용하지 않는 새로운 사업과 산업을 발생시킬 것이다."

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커넥팅 플랫폼connectingplatform이 이미 확산되고 있고, 이에 따라 긱 이코노미gig economy 와공유 경제에 대한 관심이 커지고 있다. 기술의 발달로 정보 비용이줄어들고, 이에 따라 구매자와 판매자가 서로 쉽게 찾을 수 있을 뿐만아니라 독립적인 출처들을 통해 상대방에 대한 신뢰성과 품질을 검증 할 수 있다.

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In every relationship, in every market, commitment counts.
A company must consider all the ways to become a local asset.

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Although the model that worked in North America and Europe needed to be tweaked, many of the fundamental pieces worked throughout the world. For example, we have alwave invested in building market awareness and demand before we build a physical presence. In addition, we‘ve seeded the market with corporate sales, which is easier to start and experiences shorter sales cycles. Corporate sales also proved to tap into a great market: China and India are driven by small and midsize companies.

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It can be difficult to identify talent overseas, and especially challenging to find people who are a cultural fit with your organization. For this reason, there are incredible benefits temporarily sending the best people from your headquarters to help establish or grow a new market. These expats-or missionaries, as I call them-are tasked with hiring key people, building up a region, and ultimately finding a local executive as their replacement. Although initially, perhaps naively, I thought that such a mission could be accomplished in eighteen months, we‘ve found that it can take closer to thirty-six months.

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