Why Fish Don't Exist: A Story of Loss, Love, and the Hidden Order of Life (Paperback) - 『물고기는 존재하지 않는다』원서
Lulu Miller / Simon & Schuster / 2021년 4월
평점 :

Doubt everything as fish is everywhere

I’ve never expected that the title would have such a meaning. The whole story was like a plot twist after a plot twist which I didn’t see it coming until the very end. Yeah, fish don't exist. I get that. The problem is, picking out which one is the fish and which isn't is not that easy as it seems.

Speaking of Jordan, it was really shocking to find out that he is allegedly killed someone just because she interfered in his way. Well what Jane Stanford have done is more than just interfering since she used her spy to dismiss Jordan but killing someone because of that simple reason is another thing. What he has done is cannot be regarded as a mistake because he has done it twice even when Jane Stanford left for Hawaii to take a rest. It was such an obsessive behavior of him and in a way it looks like chasing after a fish which barely got out of his trap. When the author first suggested that Jane may killed by Jordan, I thought it is ridiculous and there must be some divine reason for him for keep insisting Jane’s death as a result of series of unfortunate event. The reasons like to save Jane’s dignity or something. I thought like that because I’ve seen a part of myself in David and wanted to find out how he could move on despite all those heart-breaking tragedies before his path. I pictured him like a passionate but simple guy who doesn't know anything but fish and trying to endure life no matter what difficulty slaps him. Therefore finding out he has crossed the line and has done something horrific was more than a disappointment. Well, starting from Jane’s death the author reveals that he was a strong advocate for eugenics and put numerous people’s lives in misery without feeling guilty. It’s quite ironic that the reason he opposed to war was eugenics which made him hard to bear the idea of losing lives of superior species. Reaching the end, what I found is that everything in this world so tangled that it’s really hard to tell what’s wrong and what’s right.

What I wanted get from this book was guidance for living a worthy life. Like how I can do my best to make my life meaningful and how to endure the meaninglessness of it at the same time. I kind of know that there’s no such thing as simple answer for living but still I cannot help but roaming around books after books to catch a little glimmer of a divine answer. 

Anyway, when it comes to the books related to that subject, the answers quite similar. Reach for happiness and do your best to get it. Specific expression depicting this is different from books to books but what they are saying is quite alike. And here, this book’s answer could be like this: Don’t put yourself in the box. Get out of the box and you may find your way.

After experiencing several obstacles in life, I kind of realized that even if I see lots of doors in my way, not every door will open. In fact only few could I grab and I should try extra hard to get that door open. For this reason, sometimes or most of the times I don’t even try touching the door expecting it is already locked-closed. But the author says at least we should keep trying because behind such door the great happiness that you’ve never imagined even in your good days may lie waiting for you to discover. 

This book was such a solace for me since it reminds me of that I’m not the only person who are wandering around this bleak labyrinth of life. Realizing this simple fact always gives me kind of odd comfort.

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