ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM : 자유로부터의 도피 - 영한대역시리즈 11
에리히 프롬 지음 / 조은문화사 / 1989년 5월
평점 :

Why people can‘t bear the weight of freedom?

I cannot help but laugh out when I saw the word "automaton" since it reminds me of several people whom I met in the workplace. I used to call them "parrot" by myself as they repeat the opinion of others - like from TV, newspapers, internet and etc - but never realize that they themselves a automation. Sometimes it is really funny watching them preaches enthusiastically the opinion which is not theirs. One of my colleague is just like this kind of person. Difference is, since she does not know she is a automaton, she expresses her thought like it is genuinely hers.

I can't tell how I discriminate between genuine thought and fake or how I got the feeling of repeating automaton but almost every time we have a conversation, her words just getting on my nerve and gives me feeling that I'm talking to an answering machine. What confuses me most is that she is kind of a thoughtful person and read many books than average adults. She was one of the reason made me read this book. 

Well, talking of myself, I think I'm on the way of realization of positive freedom. I got to admit that still some part of myself has automaton traits but the good news is that I'm keep changing. I'm on the way of metamorphosis, and I can feel it. Maybe this is how I can tell automaton from others.  

One of the reasons other than my colleague who mentioned above which made me read this book is the condition of my workplace. I'm literally a cog in this huge bureaucracy and I don't want to realize my self here nor identify myself. 

On the other hand, I feel nervous that I may become useless and don't know what to do when I left this workplace. I don't want that kind of future awaits me. I feel like I'm caught in a cage but what frightening me most is that I cannot fly even after I escape from a cage as if my wings were broken.

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