CALL You must think this is pretty funny.

RIPLEY Yes.  But I'm finding a lot of things funny lately.  And I'm not sure they are.

CALL Why do you go on living?  How can you stand it?  How can you stand... yourself?

Ripley shrugs.

RIPLEY Not so hard.  Not much choice.

CALL At least there's part of you that's human.  I'm just... fuck.  Look at me....

She looks at the hole in her chest, the white and sticky fibers.

CALL I'm disgusting.

Her voice is at its slowest here, low and eerie.  It's a mechanical problem, but it sounds just like despair.

RIPLEY Do you dream?

CALL I ... we have neural processors that run through....  (stops)  Yes.

RIPLEY When I sleep, I dream about it.  Them.  Every night.  All around me ... in me. I used to be afraid to dream, but I'm not anymore.


RIPLEY Because no matter how bad the dreams get ... when I wake up it's always worse.


(<Alien Resurrection>(1997) 중에서)

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