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매주 추첨을 통해서 라이온북스의 책을 선물로 드려요!
아 오늘은 좀 어렵구나^^;; 태극기의 의미를 잊고 있었군요..
1. What do the black bars on the Korean flag represent?
- I don't know about it, exactly I forgot it. I learned about that when I was student, but I don't remember so I find it at Internet.
The bars mean nature(Sky, Earth, Sun, Moon), seasons(spring, summer, autumn, winter) and direction(north, south, west, east).
In addition, red and blue circle in center means balance of yin and yang. that things are from Asia philosophy.
2. Can you tell me about three Korean customs?
- First, Korean treat someone who is older or unknown with deferrence. That is natural behavior to Korean. Second, we express courtesy telling deferrence language, and third, bowing when we meet first instead of waving hands.
3. Is Korea a free country? Why? Why not?
- Korea is free country enough. I think over-freedom will bring chaos in economy, safety or others. Surely Korea needs growth in right of citizen and workers, but sometimes, I think the freedom of Korea is immoderate when I read bad replies on the internet.
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