Oxford Learner's Wordfinder Dictionary (Paperback)
Oxford University Press 엮음 / Oxford(옥스포드) / 1989년 10월
평점 :

영영사전이 필요해 이거저거 둘러보다가 찾다가 질러버린 사전...
미리 서점에서 보고 사던지 아님 아예 서점에서 사던지 할것을... 
이건머.. 가격은 드럽게 비싼데 내용은 내가 찾던게 전혀~~ 아니라는... 
자주쓰이는 단어에 대한 자세한 설명이나 용어법배우기로 추천할만하지만 어려운 단어 찾으시려고 하시는분들에게는 절대로 비추 ㄷㄷㄷ;;;
포장 뜯어버려서 (내용물이 뭔지를 확인해야하니...) 교환반품도 안되고 이건 값만 비싸고 쓸모없는 사전이 책상 자리만 차지하고...ㅠㅠ

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The Hellbound Heart (Paperback)
Barker, Clive / Perennial / 2007년 10월
평점 :

I couldn't find the Books of Blood Omnibus anywhere in Korea so I decided to try this one out instead in the mean time...  

First of all, it's pretty thin, a pretty short story with huge text...
The price is pretty decent compare to the one sold in Canada which is 13.95 CAN... which is precisely why I decided to purchase the item... basically, its an affordable price to give benefit of doubt.. anyho..

After reading about 80% of the story, I gotta admit I was deeply disappointed AND annoyed by this book. After enjoying books of blood omnibus, I was expecting something along the line... not that the omnibus only had great stories. But because this book only has one story line which gets pretty irksome towards the end (especially because of those main characters!!!GWAH! STUPID WOMAN! AND THE GUY IS SUCH A DXXKHEAD!), I couldn't bring myself to read it to the end. 

I may finish reading when I get so bored that I have nothing else to do...but this is definitely not my cup of tea... 



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