Nate the Great On The Owl Express (Paperback + CD 1장) - NTG Set 24 Nate the Great 24
마르크 시몽 그림, 마조리 W. 샤맷 글 / 문진미디어(문진당) / 2007년 12월
평점 :


And of the Nate the Great 

NEW PEOPLE : <OLIVIA>올리비아   애완동물 < HOOT >  부엉이 

? NATE와의 관계 ? 

...사촌동생 : NATE의 아빠의 2번째 동생의 딸이 OLIVIA 

End of the Nate~~~


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Nate the Great San Francisco Detective (Paperback + CD 1장) - NTG Set 23 Nate the Great 23
마르크 시몽 그림, 마조리 W. 샤맷 글 / 문진미디어(문진당) / 2007년 12월
평점 :

Nate the  Great is in the car...

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Nate the Great and the Monster Mess (Paperback + CD 1장) - NTG Set 22 Nate the Great 22
마르크 시몽 그림, 마조리 W. 샤맷 글 / 문진미디어(문진당) / 2007년 12월
평점 :

Nate는 엄마가 구워주는 몬스터 쿠키를 좋아합니다.  그런데 쿠키 요리법을 종이가 사라졌다고 하네요.  엄마가 처음으로 의뢰한 사건인데 Nate는 과연 쿠키를 다시 맛 볼 수 있을까요? 

신판!  새로운 일러스테리드 작가 마리타 웨스턴!!              22권  

[주] 문진미디어 ( MOONJINMEDIA )   정가 9,000 원

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Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden (Paperback + CD 1장) - NTG Set 21 Nate the Great 21
마르크 시몽 그림, 마조리 W. 샤맷 글 / 문진미디어(문진당) / 2007년 12월
평점 :

Nate is detective.  Today, Rosamond give a message.  There was... 

Dear Nate, 
I was in Norway.  

Now I am in Sweden.  

 I was in this Palace today.

I did not see the king. 

I did not see a detective. 

I lost something on my trip. 

I don't know where. 

I need your help. 

If you don't help me, I will have to ask the king of Sweden to take the case    


But Nate threw Rosamond's card in the wastebasket.  The next day Nate got another card. 
Here are the rules ; If you don't take the case. call Swede.  Ask for Rosamond.  If you take the case, you don't hsve to call Rosamond.   
P.S  If you don't take the case, I will hire that king.  I will call him up.  I will send him cards, I will knock on his palace door.  I will get him.
And Nate have one more case.  And he out the house.  And go to the Annie's house.  Annie give me to a big clue.

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Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps (Paperback + CD 1장) - NTG Set 20 Nate the Great 20
마르크 시몽 그림, 마조리 W. 샤맷 글 / 문진미디어(문진당) / 2007년 12월
평점 :

Nate the Great is a detective.  Oneday he see a Rosamond.   Rosamond has a crystal ball.  And Rosamond for Nate help a case.  So Nate is doing that.  this case is Rosamond's money box is lost.  And Claude help a Rosamond.  And Rosamond get back the Crystal ball.  And Rosamond came back, the tuna fish can is throw into.  And the go to the Claude house.  Claude said good Clue.  And they go to the Finley's house.  But that is "Rat house."  And they go to garbage town.  And they find them, but that is " RAT HOUSE."  And they go to the Rosamond.  The Rosamond's Money box is under the Baha has box! 

Tuna fish can~~~

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