Big Fat Cat and the Magic Pie Shop (스토리북 + 워크북 + 오디오 CD) - 빅팻캣과 매직 파이 숍 Big Fat Cat Junior Edition 4
무코야마 다카히코 지음, 다카시마 데츠오 그림, 김은하 옮김 / 윌북 / 2014년 5월
평점 :

Bid Fat Cat and the Magic Pie Shop

무코야마 다카히코 지음



Think and Write !


  "Your so-called shops will last for maybe another six months," Jeremy Lightfoot Sr. said finally. He spoke in a shrsh, cold tone.

 "Then they'll get tired of your pies and your shops will be forgotten."

 "I'll try harder! I'll make it work! Please give me a chance to…"


 "Father…." Jeremy protested.

 "I said. shup up!" Jeremy's father suddenly saised his voice.


① Jeremy의 아버지가 Jeremy를 대하는 태도 & 방식 : Cold, harsh, strict, one-sided

② Jeremy가 느꼈을 감정 : frastrated, timid(소심한), ashmae(부끄러운), miserable(비참한)



  "Stop this man from winning the contest and perhaps I will reconsider closing down your business."

 "Will… Will you really…."

 "do you, or do you not, want a chance?"

 "Yes, sir. I'll try my best."

 "Your best is far from enough. Try harder."  

He would probably make the contest's judges choose himself.


 Ed was still holding the flied. His eyes were glued to the words printed on it. As he read these words, something willy had said to him a while before circled around his mind.

Ed, Willy had said. You are a baker.

Your are a baker.

4. Big Fat Cat의 뇌 구조를 그려보고, 자신이 Big Fat Cat이 되어서 한 인물의 행동을 평가하고 충고나 부탁

① Pie (크게)

② Willy(크게) : Don't disturb magic, bring pie

③ George(아주 작게) : Don't move, Don't tell Ed that have I bit you.

④ Ed(작게) : protect me, give me pie

2016.6.23.(목) 이은우(중3) 

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