Magic Reader 56 Where's Phoebe? (Paperback + CD 1장) - Grade 5 (2000 words) Magic Reader 시리즈 56
월드컴 / 2007년 7월
평점 :

Where's Phoebe?

written and illustrated by Shane Nagle
WorldCom ELT 

⊙ Making a Poem
Phoebe's Story
                                 Lee Ji-Woo
Writing girl phoebe is disapear
Where is she?  Where is she?
Little detective boy Johnny look for her with Hope and Shaun.
They read <The Disappearance> and try find phoebe.
Where is she?  Where is she?
She is in the SCJ. FI FAIR!
Phoebe, Johnny, Hope, and Shaun.
go to SCJ.FI FAIR!

⊙ 동시를 쓴 느낌 :
Writing English composition is very hard, so making a poem is hard to.

⊙ 재미있는 표현 :
Where is she?  Where is she?

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