Magic Reader 70 Dependable Dan (Paperback + CD 1장) - Grade 6 (2500 words) Magic Reader 시리즈 70
Meredith Costain 지음, Penel Gamble 그림 / 월드컴 / 2007년 7월
평점 :

70. Dependable Dan

written by Meredith Costain
illustrated by Penel Gamble

Dan is like to help people.  One day, Dan has B - for his homework.  He thinks he didn't has selftime.  So, he says tonight is different.
But, his sister and brother says 'HELP', so he helps them.  Friday is his birthday.  But no ballon, no present.  He wants to has a small television .  He think it's worst birthday party.  But~!  His family give presents.  I~t's!  Small Television!

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