Magic Reader 72 Forgetting to Remember (Paperback + CD 1장) - Grade 6 (2500 words) Magic Reader 시리즈 72
월드컴 / 2007년 7월
평점 :

Forgetting to Remember

written by Karen Tayleur
illustrated by Penel Gamble
worldCom ELT

★ 이 사람을 찾아주세요!
♥ 이름 : Elliot
♥ 나이 :
♥ 특징 : He is an excellent swinner, has blond hair, white skin, and blue eyes.
♥ 실종 당시의 상황
1. His upper garment is green T-shirt, and his pants are jean short pants.
2. His finger is bound with a string.
♥ 더하고 싶은 말
1. He is a kind person and very fund.
2. He is lot of time to forget something.

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